Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Road Trip planning overview

So just in case you'd like to join us on the road,  and we'd  love your company,  here's a general overview of our road tripping plan.

We're  working our way south along the east coast, then cutting west and the up into the Rockies. We plan to hit  some version  of the following:
Savanah,  GA
New Orleans, LA 
Chattanooga,  TN
Nashville, TN
Memphis, TN
Little Rock, AR
Oklahoma City, OK
Santa Fe, NM
Petrified Forest National Park,  AZ
Sedona, AZ
Grand Canyon , North Rim, AZ
Mesa Verde National Park,  CO
Arches National Park, UT
Denver, CO
all by May 28th.

May28th-June 2, road trip hiatus for Blair and Kevin's wedding, YAY! (flying round trip DEN-EWR)

Resume road trip June 3rd:
Boulder, CO
Yellowstone National Park, WY
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Glacier National Park, MT
Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands, SD
Minneapolis, MN
Madison, WI
Chicago,  IL
Detroit, MI
Niagara Falls, NY/ Canada
Rochester, NY
Ithaca, NY
Leominster, MA
sometime before July 18th.

Disclaimer, it's not set in stone, and if the Hamburglar dies before we make it home, it'll be a game time decision to rent for a while, or pack up and fly home. We have no reason to expect she won't make it other than that she's old. We're staying in budget motels, hostels, and will likely do some camping along the way. Come meet up with us! Send us your road trip suggestions, locations we can't miss, or Playlist ideas (we bought the Big Chill Soundtrack and Getting to Yes on cassette yesterday).

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