Sunday, April 5, 2015

How to Speak Australian

While they speak English here in Australia there are a few phrases that you probably won't hear back in the States:

"How you going?" - This doesn't mean "How are you transporting yourself?" but rather "How's it going?" or "How are you doing?"  It's really confusing the first few times you hear it.  "How am I going? I just got here!"

"Heaps" - This is more simple, Australians don't use the word "lots" to describe something.  So, if you are enjoying yourself you are having heaps of fun.

"No worries" - The response you will almost certainly get to saying "Thank You."

"_______ as" - This is my favorite, probably.  Australians will put the word as after an adjective but then nothing else.  Examples:

"The store is having a sale, everything is cheap as."

"Did you send the end of that game?  It was sweet as!"

It's funny because at first you think they are saying "ass" then you realize they aren't and your head wants to add an expletive after the as because that seems like it would make more sense.

Happy Easter!

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