Friday, May 1, 2015

The first 1800 miles or so

We've  been speeding down the east coast in an effort to get this road trip started. Here are some highlights  from the past 2 weeks and 1800 plus miles:

The realization of a many years old ambition and a one year old promise to get out of bed early and watch the reenactment  of the "Shot Heard Round the World" on then Lexington Battle green at 5:30am on Patriots Day. It was also incredibly heartwarming to see all our awesome friends and family during our quick reboot as we transitioned into road trippers. Special shout  outs to Sarah for driving this early  in the  morning,  to Linda for holding us to our pact, and to Martina  and Payman for hosting us.

Covered Bridge driving tour of Lancaster County, PA

A drive through Christiana, PA, because when you share your name with a town, you have to get out  and take pictures with all the signs. Though  we didn't  actually get to go into the museum, Christiana is actually the site of a historic  skirmish in the days of the Underground Railroad. 

We caught the Red Sox v. Orioles game on April 24th at Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD. The Sox won. The riots started 2 days later.

A rainy, but charming and educational visit  to Jefferson's Monticello near Charlottesville,  VA. The man could read in seven languages, hated wasted space, and torn down and rebuilt the building he designed himself at least twice. He was an avid botanist, and his gardens include finds from the Lewis and Clark expedition. 

Here's a view of the USS North Carolina in the port of Wilmington. Wilmington is a nice, quiet town, good for waterfront  wandering and sunshine enjoying. We also went over to Oak Island and enjoyed some beach cribbage. Many thaks to the Duffy's for hosting us in their beautiful home.

The Battery in historic and colorful Charleston, SC. We went on a great walking tour and learned about slanted piazzas, Carolina gold rice as the source of plantation wealth in the colonial era, and the independent/rebellious spirit of the first state to secede from the Union prompting the war between the states.

We're  far enough south for this deliciousness: sweet tea, fried chicken (pictured here),and also Carolina BBQ, fried green tomatoes and shrimp and grits

The newest Junior Ranger in the National Park Service courtesy  of the program at Fort Sumter. It poured rain the entire  time we were on the man made island fortification, but the junior ranger quiz and park rangers kept us entertained and informed. Fort Sumter of course where the first shots of the war between the states were fired. Most interesting fact learned on this trip, when the war ended, Lincoln was invited to the flag raising ceremony,  but his advisors advised against it,  as SC really didn't  like him very much at the time. Instead, he made alternate plans to visit the theater (ie, instead of seeing the flag raised to signify a united country, he was assasinated! )

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